Simulation Messages

Simulated State

This message presents the simulated state of the vehicle. The simulated state attempts to provide a realistic state interpretation of operating various kinds of vehicles.

  • Abbreviation: SimulatedState
  • Identification Number: 50
  • Payload Size: 80 bytes
  • Message Size: 102 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Latitude (WGS-84) lat rad fp64_t WGS-84 Latitude. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
Longitude (WGS-84) lon rad fp64_t WGS-84 Longitude. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Height (WGS-84) height m fp32_t Height above the WGS-84 ellipsoid. Same as field type
Offset north (m) x m fp32_t The North offset of the North/East/Down field. Same as field type
Offset east (m) y m fp32_t The East offset of the North/East/Down field. Same as field type
Offset down (m) z m fp32_t The Down offset of the North/East/Down field. Same as field type
Rotation over x axis phi rad fp32_t The phi Euler angle from the vehicle’s attitude. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Rotation over y axis theta rad fp32_t The theta Euler angle from the vehicle’s attitude. min=-1.57079632679490, max=1.57079632679490
Rotation over z axis psi rad fp32_t The psi Euler angle from the vehicle’s attitude. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Body-Fixed xx Linear Velocity u m/s fp32_t Body-fixed frame xx axis linear velocity component. Same as field type
Body-Fixed yy Linear Velocity v m/s fp32_t Body-fixed frame yy axis linear velocity component. Same as field type
Body-Fixed zz Linear Velocity w m/s fp32_t Body-fixed frame zz axis linear velocity component. Same as field type
Angular Velocity in x p rad/s fp32_t The angular velocity over body-fixed xx axis (roll rate). min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Angular Velocity in y q rad/s fp32_t The angular velocity over body-fixed yy axis (pitch rate). min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Angular Velocity in z r rad/s fp32_t The angular velocity over body-fixed zz axis (yaw rate). min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Stream Velocity X (North) svx m/s fp32_t Stream Velocity xx axis velocity component. Same as field type
Stream Velocity Y (East) svy m/s fp32_t Stream Velocity yy axis velocity component. Same as field type
Stream Velocity Z (Down) svz m/s fp32_t Stream Velocity zz axis velocity component. Same as field type

Leak Simulation

Simulate leak behavior.

  • Abbreviation: LeakSimulation
  • Identification Number: 51
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Operation op Enumerated (Enum Operation) uint8_t Indicates whether leaks have been detected or not. Same as field type
Leak Entities entities - plaintext Comma separated list of leak entities (empty for all leaks configured). Same as field type

Enum Operation

Indicates whether leaks have been detected or not.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: LSIM
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Leaks Off OFF -
1 Leaks On ON -

Underwater Acoustics Simulation

Underwater acoustics simulation request.

  • Abbreviation: UASimulation
  • Identification Number: 52
  • Payload Size: 5+ bytes
  • Message Size: 27+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Type type Enumerated (Enum Type) uint8_t Type of request. Same as field type
Transmission Speed speed bps uint16_t Transmission speed. Same as field type
Data data - rawdata Data for transmission requests. Same as field type

Enum Type

Type of request.

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: UAS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Data Transmission DATA -
1 Ping PING -
2 Ping Reply PING_REPLY -

Dynamics Simulation Parameters

Vehicle dynamics parameters for 3DOF, 4DOF or 5DOF simulations.

  • Abbreviation: DynamicsSimParam
  • Identification Number: 53
  • Payload Size: 9 bytes
  • Message Size: 31 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Action on the Vehicle Simulation Parameters op Enumerated (Enum Action on the Vehicle Simulation Parameters) uint8_t Action on the vehicle simulation parameters for the formation control Same as field type
TAS to Longitudinal Acceleration Gain tas2acc_pgain - fp32_t Proportional gain from the TAS (True Airspeed) error to the longitudinal acceleration. Same as field type
Bank to Bank Rate Gain bank2p_pgain - fp32_t Proportional gain from the bank angle error to the bank angular rate. Same as field type

Enum Action on the Vehicle Simulation Parameters

Action on the vehicle simulation parameters for the formation control

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Request REQUEST -
1 Set SET -
2 Report REPORT -