.. .. Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Laboratório de Sistemas e Tecnologia Subaquática and Authors .. All rights reserved. .. Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto .. Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores .. Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal .. .. For more information please see . .. .. $Id:: quickStart.rst 548 2014-06-01 13:21:35Z pdias $: .. _sec_quickstart: Quickstart ********** |admonition_check| #. Launch Neptus Console; #. Over the :ref:`mission tree `, press the right mouse button and select :ref:`add a new transponder `. .. :menuselection:`Add a new transponder`; #. In the window that pops up, fill the :menuselection:`Beacon name` textbox with a recognizable name, choose the appropriate configuration in the drop-down and set :menuselection:`Latitude`, :menuselection:`Longitude` and :menuselection:`depth` to the coordinates of a beacon in use; #. Repeat for all beacons in use; #. Create a plan. For a detailed example refer to :ref:`sec_create_plan` section; #. Synchronize with vehicle: a. Send the positions of the beacons to the main vehicle by pressing :ref:`sec_send_beacons`; b. Send the plan to run by selecting it from :ref:`mission tree ` under :menuselection:`Plans` and then pressing :ref:`sec_send_plan`; #. Start plan on the main vehicle by pressing :ref:`sec_start_plan`. For a more in illustrative explanation on common tasks refer to :ref:`sec_common_operations` section. .. Passos mínimos para fazer missão. (Ligar neptus, criar plano, enviar, etc)