Actuation Messages

Camera Zoom

Camera Zoom.

  • Abbreviation: CameraZoom
  • Identification Number: 300
  • Payload Size: 3 bytes
  • Message Size: 25 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Camera Number id - uint8_t The identification number of the destination camera. Same as field type
Absolute Zoom Level zoom - uint8_t Absolute zoom level. Same as field type
Action action Enumerated (Enum Action) uint8_t The zoom action to perform. Same as field type

Enum Action

The zoom action to perform.

  • Abbreviation: action
  • Prefix: ACTION
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Reset Zoom ZOOM_RESET -
1 Zoom In ZOOM_IN -
2 Zoom Out ZOOM_OUT -
3 Stop Zooming ZOOM_STOP -

Set Thruster Actuation

Actuate directly on a thruster.

  • Abbreviation: SetThrusterActuation
  • Identification Number: 301
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
  • Message Size: 27 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Thruster Number id - uint8_t The identification number of the destination thruster. Same as field type
Actuation Value value - fp32_t Actuation magnitude. min=-1, max=1

Set Servo Position

Set the position of a servo.

  • Abbreviation: SetServoPosition
  • Identification Number: 302
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
  • Message Size: 27 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Identifier id - uint8_t The identification number of the destination servo. Same as field type
Position value rad fp32_t Actuation magnitude. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966

Set Control Surface Deflection

Set the deflection angle of a control surface.

  • Abbreviation: SetControlSurfaceDeflection
  • Identification Number: 303
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
  • Message Size: 27 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Identifier id - uint8_t The identification number of the destination control surface. Same as field type
Angle angle rad fp32_t Actuation magnitude. Same as field type

Remote Actions Request

This message is used as query to request for the possible remote actions (operation=QUERY and the list is empty in this case). The vehicle responds using the same message type returning the tuplelist with the pairs: Action,Type (operation=REPORT). The type of action can be Axis, Hat or Button.

  • Abbreviation: RemoteActionsRequest
  • Identification Number: 304
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
operation op Enumerated (Enum operation) uint8_t Operation to perform. Same as field type
Actions actions TupleList plaintext Example: “Propulsion=Axis,PanTilt=Hat,Lights=Button” Same as field type

Enum operation

Operation to perform.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Report REPORT -
1 Query QUERY -

Remote Actions

This message is used to send a periodic update of values for each remote action. If the action is not on the list the assumed value is 0.

  • Abbreviation: RemoteActions
  • Identification Number: 305
  • Payload Size: 2+ bytes
  • Message Size: 24+ bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Actions actions TupleList plaintext List of values for each remote action (e.g: “Propeller=0.6,PanTilt=0.75,Lights=1”). Same as field type

Button Event

Event of a specific hardware button.

  • Abbreviation: ButtonEvent
  • Identification Number: 306
  • Payload Size: 2 bytes
  • Message Size: 24 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Button button - uint8_t Button identifier. Same as field type
Value value - uint8_t Value of the button. Same as field type

LCD Control

Control LCD.

  • Abbreviation: LcdControl
  • Identification Number: 307
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Operation op Enumerated (Enum Operation) uint8_t The LCD action to perform Same as field type
Text text - plaintext Text to be written (if defined write operation). Same as field type

Enum Operation

The LCD action to perform

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Turn off display TURN_OFF -
1 Turn on display TURN_ON -
2 Clear display CLEAR -
3 Write Line #0 WRITE0 -
4 Write Line #1 WRITE1 -

Power Operation

This message allows controlling the system’s power lines.

  • Abbreviation: PowerOperation
  • Identification Number: 308
  • Payload Size: 13 bytes
  • Message Size: 35 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Operation op Enumerated (Enum Operation) uint8_t Operation type. Same as field type
Time Remaining time_remain s fp32_t Time remaining to complete operation. Same as field type
Scheduled Time sched_time s fp64_t Scheduled time of operation. Same as field type

Enum Operation

Operation type.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: POP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Power Down PWR_DOWN Request the destination entity of this message to power down it’s devices immediately. If the destination entity is the special entity ‘0’ the whole system will power down.
1 Power Down in Progress PWR_DOWN_IP The latest power down request is in progress and the time remaining until power down is given in field ‘time_remain’.
2 Power Down Aborted PWR_DOWN_ABORTED The latest power down request was aborted.
3 Schedule Power Down SCHED_PWR_DOWN Request the destination entity of this message to power down it’s devices at the time given in the field ‘sched_time’. If the destination entity is the special entity ‘0’ the whole system will power down.
4 Power Up PWR_UP Request the destination entity of this message to power up it’s devices.
5 Power Up in Progress PWR_UP_IP The latest power up request is in progress.
6 Schedule Power Up SCHED_PWR_UP Request the destination entity of this message to power up it’s devices at the time given in the field ‘sched_time’. If the destination entity is the special entity ‘0’ the whole system will power up.

Power Channel Control

This message allows controlling power channels.

  • Abbreviation: PowerChannelControl
  • Identification Number: 309
  • Payload Size: 11+ bytes
  • Message Size: 33+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Channel Name name - plaintext The name of the power channel. Same as field type
Operation op Enumerated (Enum Operation) uint8_t Operation to perform. max=6
Scheduled Time sched_time s fp64_t Scheduled time of operation. Same as field type

Enum Operation

Operation to perform.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: PCC_OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Turn Off TURN_OFF Turn off power channel specified in field ‘id’.
1 Turn On TURN_ON Turn on power channel specified in field ‘id’.
2 Toggle TOGGLE Toggle power channel specified in field ‘id’.
3 Schedule Turn On SCHED_ON Turn on power channel specified in field ‘id’ in ‘sched_time’ seconds.
4 Schedule Turn Off SCHED_OFF Turn off power channel specified in field ‘id’ in ‘sched_time’ seconds.
5 Reset Schedules SCHED_RESET Reset all scheduled operations for the channel specified in field ‘id’.
6 Save Current State SAVE Save the current state of the channel ‘id’ to persistent storage.
7 Restart RESTART Restart power channel specified in field ‘id’.

Query Power Channel State

Request the state of power channels.

  • Abbreviation: QueryPowerChannelState
  • Identification Number: 310
  • Payload Size: 0 bytes
  • Message Size: 22 bytes

This message has no fields.

Power Channel State

Message conveying the state of a power channel.

  • Abbreviation: PowerChannelState
  • Identification Number: 311
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Name name - plaintext Power Channel Name. Same as field type
State state Enumerated (Enum State) uint8_t State of the Power Channel. Same as field type

Enum State

State of the Power Channel.

  • Abbreviation: state
  • Prefix: PCS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Off OFF Power channel is off.
1 On ON Power channel is on.

LED Brightness

Brightness value of an LED (Light-Emitting Diode).

  • Abbreviation: LedBrightness
  • Identification Number: 312
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Name name - plaintext LED name. Same as field type
Value value - uint8_t Brightness value. Same as field type

Query LED Brightness

Query the brightness of an LED (Light-Emitting Diode). The recipient of this message shall reply with ‘LedBrightness’.

  • Abbreviation: QueryLedBrightness
  • Identification Number: 313
  • Payload Size: 2+ bytes
  • Message Size: 24+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Name name - plaintext LED name. Same as field type

Set LED Brightness

Control the brightness of an LED (Light-Emitting Diode). The recipient of this message shall set the intensity of the LED to the desired ‘value’ and reply with ‘LedBrightness’.

  • Abbreviation: SetLedBrightness
  • Identification Number: 314
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Name name - plaintext LED name. Same as field type
Value value - uint8_t Desired brightness value. Same as field type


Set properties of a PWM signal channel.

  • Abbreviation: SetPWM
  • Identification Number: 315
  • Payload Size: 9 bytes
  • Message Size: 31 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Channel Identifier id - uint8_t PWM channel identifier. Same as field type
Period period µs uint32_t The total period of the PWM signal (sum of active and inactive time of the PWM). Same as field type
Duty Cycle duty_cycle µs uint32_t The active time of the PWM signal. The duty cycle value must be less or equal to the period. Same as field type


Properties of a PWM signal channel.

  • Abbreviation: PWM
  • Identification Number: 316
  • Payload Size: 9 bytes
  • Message Size: 31 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Channel Identifier id - uint8_t PWM channel identifier. Same as field type
Period period µs uint32_t The total period of the PWM signal (sum of active and inactive time of the PWM). Same as field type
Duty Cycle duty_cycle µs uint32_t The active time of the PWM signal. The duty cycle value is less or equal to the period. Same as field type

GPIO State

Current state of a GPIO.

  • Abbreviation: GpioState
  • Identification Number: 2000
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Name name - plaintext GPIO Name. Same as field type
Value value - uint8_t Logical level of the GPIO. Same as field type

Get GPIO State

Request the state of a given GPIO. The receiving entity shall reply with a GpioState message.

  • Abbreviation: GpioStateGet
  • Identification Number: 2001
  • Payload Size: 2+ bytes
  • Message Size: 24+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Name name - plaintext GPIO Name. Same as field type

Set GPIO State

Set the state of a given GPIO. The receiving entity shall reply with a GpioState message.

  • Abbreviation: GpioStateSet
  • Identification Number: 2002
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Name name - plaintext GPIO Name. Same as field type
Value value - uint8_t Logical level of the GPIO. Same as field type