Networking Messages


The Heartbeat message is used to inform other modules that the sending entity’s system is running normally and communications are alive.

  • Abbreviation: Heartbeat
  • Identification Number: 150
  • Payload Size: 0 bytes
  • Message Size: 22 bytes
  • Flags: periodic

This message has no fields.


A system description that is to be broadcasted to other systems.

  • Abbreviation: Announce
  • Identification Number: 151
  • Payload Size: 27+ bytes
  • Message Size: 49+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
System Name sys_name - plaintext System name. Same as field type
System Type sys_type Enumerated (Enum System Type) uint8_t System type. Same as field type
Control Owner owner - uint16_t The owner IMC system ID. Same as field type
Latitude WGS-84 lat rad fp64_t WGS-84 Latitude. If lat=0 and lon=0 means location value is unknown. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
Longitude WGS-84 lon rad fp64_t WGS-84 Longitude. If lat=0 and lon=0 means location value is unknown. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Height WGS-84 height m fp32_t Height above WGS-84 ellipsoid. Same as field type
Services services - plaintext

Semicolon separated list of URLs. Examples of such URLs are:

  • imc+udp://
  • dune://
Same as field type

Announce Service

Announcement about the existence of a service.

  • Abbreviation: AnnounceService
  • Identification Number: 152
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Service service - plaintext Semicolon separated list of URLs (see Announce). Same as field type
ServiceType service_type Bitfield (Bitfield ServiceType) uint8_t Informs about the availability of the service on internal and external networks. Same as field type

Bitfield ServiceType

Informs about the availability of the service on internal and external networks.

  • Abbreviation: service_type
  • Prefix: SRV_TYPE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 External EXTERNAL -
0x02 Local LOCAL -

Receive Signal Strength Information

Measure of the RSSI by a networking device. Indicates the gain or loss in the signal strength due to the transmission and reception equipment and the transmission medium and distance.

  • Abbreviation: RSSI
  • Identification Number: 153
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value % fp32_t RSSI measurement. max=100

Voltage Standing Wave Ratio

Measure of the VSWR by a networking device.

  • Abbreviation: VSWR
  • Identification Number: 154
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value - fp32_t VSWR measurement. Same as field type


Send a SMS message.

  • Abbreviation: Sms
  • Identification Number: 156
  • Payload Size: 6+ bytes
  • Message Size: 28+ bytes
  • Flags: deprecated
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Number number - plaintext Target mobile device number. Same as field type
Timeout timeout - uint16_t Timeout for sending message. Same as field type
Contents contents - plaintext Message contents. Same as field type

SMS Transmit

Request to send SMS.

  • Abbreviation: SmsTx
  • Identification Number: 157
  • Payload Size: 10+ bytes
  • Message Size: 32+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Sequence Number seq - uint32_t Sequence number. Same as field type
Destination destination - plaintext Number or name of the recipient. Same as field type
Timeout timeout s uint16_t Timeout for sending message. Same as field type
Data data - rawdata Message data. Same as field type

SMS Receive

Received SMS data.

  • Abbreviation: SmsRx
  • Identification Number: 158
  • Payload Size: 4+ bytes
  • Message Size: 26+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Source source - plaintext Number of name of the sender. Same as field type
Data data - rawdata Message data. Same as field type

SMS State

No description

  • Abbreviation: SmsState
  • Identification Number: 159
  • Payload Size: 7+ bytes
  • Message Size: 29+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Sequence Number seq - uint32_t Sequence number. Same as field type
State state Enumerated (Enum State) uint8_t Current state of an SMS transaction. Same as field type
Error Message error - plaintext   Same as field type

Enum State

Current state of an SMS transaction.

  • Abbreviation: state
  • Prefix: SMS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Accepted ACCEPTED -
1 Rejected REJECTED -
2 Interrupted INTERRUPTED -
3 Completed COMPLETED -
4 Idle IDLE -
5 Transmitting TRANSMITTING -
6 Receiving RECEIVING -

Text Message

A text message has been received.

  • Abbreviation: TextMessage
  • Identification Number: 160
  • Payload Size: 4+ bytes
  • Message Size: 26+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Origin origin - plaintext Message origin (if known). Same as field type
Text text - plaintext Message contents. Same as field type

Received Iridium Message

No description

  • Abbreviation: IridiumMsgRx
  • Identification Number: 170
  • Payload Size: 28+ bytes
  • Message Size: 50+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Origin Identifier origin - plaintext The unique identifier of this message’s origin device (e.g. lauv-xtreme-2, manta-0). Same as field type
Timestamp htime s fp64_t Timestamp (Epoch time). Same as field type
Latitude Reference lat rad fp64_t   Same as field type
Longitude Reference lon rad fp64_t   Same as field type
Data data - rawdata Message data. Same as field type

Transmit Iridium Message

No description

  • Abbreviation: IridiumMsgTx
  • Identification Number: 171
  • Payload Size: 8+ bytes
  • Message Size: 30+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t The request identifier used to receive transmission updates. Same as field type
Time to live ttl s uint16_t Time, in seconds, after which there will be no more atempts to transmit the message. Same as field type
Destination Identifier destination - plaintext The unique identifier of this message’s destination (e.g. lauv-xtreme-2, manta-0). Same as field type
Data data - rawdata Message data. Same as field type

Iridium Transmission Status

No description

  • Abbreviation: IridiumTxStatus
  • Identification Number: 172
  • Payload Size: 5+ bytes
  • Message Size: 27+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t The request identifier used to receive transmission updates Same as field type
Status Code status Enumerated (Enum Status Code) uint8_t   Same as field type
Status Text text - plaintext   Same as field type

Enum Status Code

No description

  • Abbreviation: status
  • Prefix: TXSTATUS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
1 Successfull transmission OK -
2 Error while trying to transmit message ERROR -
3 Message has been queued for transmission QUEUED -
4 Message is currently being transmitted TRANSMIT -
5 Message’s TTL has expired. Transmition cancelled. EXPIRED -
6 No more messages to be transmitted or received. EMPTY -

Group Membership State

Group communication link assertion.

  • Abbreviation: GroupMembershipState
  • Identification Number: 180
  • Payload Size: 6+ bytes
  • Message Size: 28+ bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Group Name group_name - plaintext Name of the group of systems. Same as field type
Communication Links Assertion links - uint32_t Communication link assertion for each group member. One bit to assert each system communication link state. Same as field type

System Group

Group of systems configuration.

  • Abbreviation: SystemGroup
  • Identification Number: 181
  • Payload Size: 5+ bytes
  • Message Size: 27+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Group Name GroupName - plaintext Name of the group of systems. Same as field type
Group List Action Action Enumerated (Enum Group List Action) uint8_t Actions on the group list. Same as field type
Systems Name List GroupList - plaintext List of names of system in the group, separated by commas. Same as field type

Enum Group List Action

Actions on the group list.

  • Abbreviation: Action
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Disband Dis -
1 Set Set -
2 Request Req -
3 Change Chg -
4 Report Rep -
5 Force Frc -

Extended Receive Signal Strength Information

Measure of the RSSI by a networking device. Indicates the gain or loss in the signal strenght due to the transmission and reception equipment and the transmission medium and distance.

  • Abbreviation: ExtendedRSSI
  • Identification Number: 183
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
  • Message Size: 27 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value - fp32_t RSSI measurement. Same as field type
RSSI Units units Enumerated (Enum RSSI Units) uint8_t Indicates the units used for the RSSI value. Same as field type

Historic Data Series

This message holds a list of inline data samples produced by one or more vehicles in the past. It is used to transfer data over disruption tolerant networks.

  • Abbreviation: HistoricData
  • Identification Number: 184
  • Payload Size: 14+ bytes
  • Message Size: 36+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Base Latitude base_lat ° fp32_t All data sent inside this message will have offsets relative to this latitude. Same as field type
Base Longitude base_lon ° fp32_t All data sent inside this message will have offsets relative to this longitude. Same as field type
Base Timestamp base_time s fp32_t All data sent inside this message will use this time as the origin (0). Same as field type
Data data - message-list (Message-Group RemoteData)   Same as field type

Compressed Historic Data Series

This message holds a list of inline data samples produced by one or more vehicles in the past. It is used to transfer data over disruption tolerant networks.

  • Abbreviation: CompressedHistory
  • Identification Number: 185
  • Payload Size: 14+ bytes
  • Message Size: 36+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Base Latitude base_lat ° fp32_t All data sent inside this message will have offsets relative to this latitude. Same as field type
Base Longitude base_lon ° fp32_t All data sent inside this message will have offsets relative to this longitude. Same as field type
Base Timestamp base_time s fp32_t All data sent inside this message will use this time as the origin (0). Same as field type
Data data - rawdata A message-list of HistoricSample messages compressed with GZip algorithm. Same as field type

Historic Data Sample

No description

  • Abbreviation: HistoricSample
  • Identification Number: 186
  • Payload Size: 13+ bytes
  • Message Size: 35+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Original System Id sys_id - uint16_t The IMC identifier of the system that produced this sample. Same as field type
Priority priority - int8_t The priority for this data sample. Default priority is 0. Samples with higher priorities will always be transmitted before samples with lower priorities. Samples with -127 priority will not be transmitted but just logged to disk locally. Same as field type
X offset x m int16_t Northing offsets relative to base latitude / longitude expressed in the enclosing HistoricData message. Same as field type
Y offset y m int16_t Easting offsets relative to base latitude / longitude expressed in the enclosing HistoricData message. Same as field type
Z offset z dm int16_t Altitude / depth offsets relative to sea level expressed in decimeters. Negative values mean depth and positive values mean altitude. Same as field type
Time offset t s int16_t Time offset in seconds relative to the base time expressed in the enclosing HistoricData message. Same as field type
Data Sample sample - message   Same as field type

Historic Data Query

No description

  • Abbreviation: HistoricDataQuery
  • Identification Number: 187
  • Payload Size: 21+ bytes
  • Message Size: 43+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Id req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Request Type type Enumerated (Enum Request Type) uint8_t   Same as field type
Maximum Size max_size - uint16_t   Same as field type
Data data - message (Historic Data Series)   Same as field type

Enum Request Type

No description

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: HRTYPE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
1 Query QUERY Request data from the Data Store
2 Reply REPLY Data Store response with Data (using field ‘data’)
3 Clear CLEAR Clear ‘data’ from the Data Store

Remote Command

Command to remote system. If a system receives a RemoteCommand and it isn’t the intended recipient, then it should resend it.

  • Abbreviation: RemoteCommand
  • Identification Number: 188
  • Payload Size: 14+ bytes
  • Message Size: 36+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Original Source original_source - uint16_t IMC id of the original sender. Same as field type
Destination destination - uint16_t IMC id of the recipient. Same as field type
Timeout timeout s fp64_t Expiration time of the message (Epoch Time), in seconds. If the message doesn’t reach the destination within timeout, the validity of the message expires and there will be no more attempts to transmit the message. Same as field type
Command cmd - message Command to be unpacked by the recipient. Same as field type

Communication Systems Query

Presence of Communication Interfaces query.

  • Abbreviation: CommSystemsQuery
  • Identification Number: 189
  • Payload Size: 7+ bytes
  • Message Size: 29+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Type type Bitfield (Bitfield Type) uint8_t   Same as field type
Communication Interface comm_interface Bitfield (CommSystemsQuery-bitfield-comm_interface) uint16_t Communication interface to be used for reports. Same as field type
Model model Enumerated (Enum Model) uint16_t   Same as field type
System List list List plaintext Comma separated list of known Radio system names. Same as field type

Bitfield Type

No description

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: CIQ
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Query Systems QUERY Query systems about communication capability
0x02 Reply REPLY Reply systems about communication capability

Bitfield Communication Interface

Communication interface to be used for reports.

  • Abbreviation: comm_interface
  • Prefix: CIQ
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Acoustic ACOUSTIC Use acoustic communications
0x02 Satellite SATELLITE Use satellite communications
0x04 GSM GSM Use Global System for Mobile Communications
0x08 Mobile MOBILE Use mobile networks
0x10 Radio RADIO Use Radio telemetry

Enum Model

No description

  • Abbreviation: model
  • Prefix: CIQ
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x00 unknown UNKNOWN Model is not defined
0x01 3DR M3DR Radio Model 3DR
0x02 RDFXXXxPtP RDFXXXXPTP Radio Model RDFXXXx point to point

Telemetry Message

Message to handle telemetry transmissions.

  • Abbreviation: TelemetryMsg
  • Identification Number: 190
  • Payload Size: 16+ bytes
  • Message Size: 38+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Type type Enumerated (Enum Type) uint8_t Type of telemetry transmissions. Same as field type
Request Identifier req_id - uint32_t The request identifier used to receive transmission updates. Same as field type
Time to live ttl s uint16_t Time, in seconds, which will be considered a non-transmitted message. Same as field type
Code code Enumerated (TelemetryMsg-enum-code) uint8_t Type of telemetry transmissions. Same as field type
Destination Identifier destination - plaintext The unique identifier of this message’s destination (e.g. lauv-xtreme-2, manta-0). Same as field type
Source Identifier Source - plaintext The unique identifier of this message’s destination (e.g. lauv-xtreme-2, manta-0). Same as field type
Acknowledge acknowledge Bitfield (Bitfield Acknowledge) uint8_t Type of telemetry transmissions. Same as field type
Status status Enumerated (TelemetryMsg-enum-status) uint8_t State of the transmitted message. Same as field type
Data data - rawdata   Same as field type

Enum Type

Type of telemetry transmissions.

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: TM
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Tx TX Send telemetry data.
0x02 Rx RX Received telemetry data.
0x03 TxStatus TXSTATUS Status of transmitted data.

Enum Code

Type of telemetry transmissions.

  • Abbreviation: code
  • Prefix: TM
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x00 Code unknown CODE_UNK Unknown code type
0x01 Code Report CODE_REPORT Concise representation of entire system state message. Payload message is a MessageList.
0x02 Code IMC CODE_IMC Payload message is INLINEMSG
0x03 Code raw CODE_RAW Payload message is in raw

Bitfield Acknowledge

Type of telemetry transmissions.

  • Abbreviation: acknowledge
  • Prefix: TM
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x00 Not acknowledge NAK Message transmitted without acknowledged reception response
0x01 acknowledge AK Message transmitted with acknowledged reception response

Enum Status

State of the transmitted message.

  • Abbreviation: status
  • Prefix: TM
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x00 Does not apply NONE -
1 Successfull transmission DONE -
2 Error while trying to transmit message FAILED -
3 Message has been queued for transmission QUEUED -
4 Message is currently being transmitted TRANSMIT -
5 Message’s TTL has expired. Transmition cancelled EXPIRED -
6 No more messages to be transmitted or received EMPTY -
7 Invalid address INV_ADDR -
8 Invalid transmission size INV_SIZE -

Transmission Request

Request data to be sent over a specified communication mean.

  • Abbreviation: TransmissionRequest
  • Identification Number: 515
  • Payload Size: 24+ bytes
  • Message Size: 46+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t The unique identifier for this request. Same as field type
Communication Mean comm_mean Enumerated (Enum Communication Mean) uint8_t Communication mean to be used to transfer these data. Same as field type
Destination System destination - plaintext The name of the system where to send this message. Same as field type
Deadline deadline - fp64_t Deadline for message transmission (seconds since epoch). Same as field type
Range range m fp32_t The meaning of this field depends on the operation and is explained in the operation’s description. Same as field type
Data Mode data_mode Enumerated (Enum Data Mode) uint8_t Type of data to be transmitted. Abort and Range mode can only be used with comm_mean=ACOUSTIC Same as field type
Message Data msg_data - message Data to be transmitted if selected data_mode is INLINEMSG. Same as field type
Text Data txt_data - plaintext Data to be transmitted if selected data_mode is TEXT. Same as field type
Raw Data raw_data - rawdata Data to be transmitted if selected data_mode is RAW. Same as field type

Enum Communication Mean

Communication mean to be used to transfer these data.

  • Abbreviation: comm_mean
  • Prefix: CMEAN
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 WiFi WIFI -
1 Acoustic ACOUSTIC -
2 Satellite SATELLITE -
4 Any ANY -
5 All ALL -

Enum Data Mode

Type of data to be transmitted. Abort and Range mode can only be used with comm_mean=ACOUSTIC

  • Abbreviation: data_mode
  • Prefix: DMODE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Inline Message INLINEMSG -
1 Text TEXT -
2 Raw Data RAW -
3 Abort ABORT -
4 Range RANGE -
5 Reverse Range REVERSE_RANGE -

Transmission Status

Reply sent in response to a communications request.

  • Abbreviation: TransmissionStatus
  • Identification Number: 516
  • Payload Size: 9+ bytes
  • Message Size: 31+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Status status Enumerated (Enum Status) uint8_t   Same as field type
Range range m fp32_t The meaning of this field depends on the operation and is explained in the operation’s description. Same as field type
Information info - plaintext   Same as field type

Enum Status

No description

  • Abbreviation: status
  • Prefix: TSTAT
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 In progress IN_PROGRESS -
1 Sent SENT -
51 Delivered DELIVERED -
52 Delivery is unknown MAYBE_DELIVERED -
60 Range received RANGE_RECEIVED -
101 Input Error INPUT_FAILURE -
102 Temporary Error TEMPORARY_FAILURE -
103 Permanent Failure PERMANENT_FAILURE -

SMS Transmission Request

Request SMS Text sending.

  • Abbreviation: SmsRequest
  • Identification Number: 517
  • Payload Size: 14+ bytes
  • Message Size: 36+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Destination destination - plaintext Recipient identifier (number or name). Same as field type
Timeout timeout s fp64_t Period of time to send message (in seconds). Same as field type
SMS Text sms_text - plaintext   Same as field type

SMS Transmission Status

Reply sent in response to a SMS sending request.

  • Abbreviation: SmsStatus
  • Identification Number: 518
  • Payload Size: 5+ bytes
  • Message Size: 27+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Status status Enumerated (Enum Status) uint8_t   Same as field type
Information info - plaintext Error description. Same as field type

Enum Status

No description

  • Abbreviation: status
  • Prefix: SMSSTAT
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Queued QUEUED -
1 Sent SENT -
101 Input Error INPUT_FAILURE -
102 Error trying to send sms ERROR -

TCP Transmission Request

Request data to be sent over a TCP connection

  • Abbreviation: TCPRequest
  • Identification Number: 521
  • Payload Size: 14+ bytes
  • Message Size: 36+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Destination destination - plaintext Recipient identifier (number or name). Same as field type
Timeout timeout s fp64_t Period of time to send message (in seconds). Same as field type
Message Data msg_data - message IMC message to be transmitted . Same as field type

TCP Transmission Status

Reply sent in response to a TCP sending request.

  • Abbreviation: TCPStatus
  • Identification Number: 522
  • Payload Size: 5+ bytes
  • Message Size: 27+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Status status Enumerated (Enum Status) uint8_t   Same as field type
Information info - plaintext Error description. Same as field type

Enum Status

No description

  • Abbreviation: status
  • Prefix: TCPSTAT
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Queued QUEUED -
1 Sent SENT -
100 Input Error INPUT_FAILURE -
101 Host Unknown HOST_UNKNOWN -
102 Can’t Connect CANT_CONNECT -
103 Error trying to send sms ERROR -

Create Session

Request creating a new session with this remote peer. Example session sequence is shown in the following diagram.

  • Abbreviation: CreateSession
  • Identification Number: 806
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Session Timeout timeout - uint32_t Session timeout, in seconds. If no messages are received from the remote peer, the session will be closed after this ammount of seconds have ellapsed. Same as field type

Close Session

Request closing of an ongoing session

  • Abbreviation: CloseSession
  • Identification Number: 807
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Session Identifier sessid - uint32_t   Same as field type

Session Subscription

No description

  • Abbreviation: SessionSubscription
  • Identification Number: 808
  • Payload Size: 6+ bytes
  • Message Size: 28+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Session Identifier sessid - uint32_t   Same as field type
Messages to subscribe messages - plaintext Comma-separated list of messages to subscribe. Example: “EstimatedState,EulerAngles,Temperature” Same as field type

Session Keep-Alive

Message exchanged to prevent a session from timing out

  • Abbreviation: SessionKeepAlive
  • Identification Number: 809
  • Payload Size: 4 bytes
  • Message Size: 26 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Session Identifier sessid - uint32_t   Same as field type

Session Status

Message transmitted periodically to inform the state of a communication session

  • Abbreviation: SessionStatus
  • Identification Number: 810
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
  • Message Size: 27 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Session Identifier sessid - uint32_t   Same as field type
Status status Enumerated (Enum Status) uint8_t   Same as field type

Enum Status

No description

  • Abbreviation: status
  • Prefix: STATUS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
1 Established ESTABLISHED -
2 Closed CLOSED -

Message Fragment

No description

  • Abbreviation: MessagePart
  • Identification Number: 877
  • Payload Size: 5+ bytes
  • Message Size: 27+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Transmission Unique Id uid - uint8_t   Same as field type
Fragment Number frag_number - uint8_t   Same as field type
Total Number of fragments num_frags - uint8_t   Same as field type
Fragment Data data - rawdata   Same as field type

Transmit Iridium Message (Extended)

No description

  • Abbreviation: IridiumMsgTxExtended
  • Identification Number: 2005
  • Payload Size: 12+ bytes
  • Message Size: 34+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t The request identifier used to receive transmission updates. Same as field type
Time to live ttl s uint16_t Time, in seconds, after which there will be no more atempts to transmit the message. Same as field type
Expiration Time expiration s uint32_t Time in seconds since the Unix Epoch after which the recipient shall discard the message. Same as field type
Destination Identifier destination - plaintext The unique identifier of this message’s destination (e.g. lauv-xtreme-2, manta-0). Same as field type
Data data - rawdata Message data. Same as field type

Communication Restriction

This message is used to restrict the vehicle from using some communication means.

  • Abbreviation: CommRestriction
  • Identification Number: 2010
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Restricted Communication Means restriction Bitfield (Bitfield Restricted Communication Means) uint8_t The restricted communication means. Same as field type
Reason reason - plaintext Textual description for why this restriction is needed. Same as field type

Bitfield Restricted Communication Means

The restricted communication means.

  • Abbreviation: restriction
  • Prefix: MEAN
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Satellite SATELLITE -
0x02 Acoustic ACOUSTIC -
0x04 WiFi WIFI -
0x08 GSM GSM -

WiFi Statistics

This message is used to log wifi connection statistics, heavily influenced by the stats available in ubiquiti radios.

  • Abbreviation: WifiStats
  • Identification Number: 2011
  • Payload Size: 29+ bytes
  • Message Size: 51+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
MAC Address mac - plaintext MAC address of the associated radio. Same as field type
IP Address ip - plaintext Last IP address of the associated radio. Same as field type
Client Connection Quality ccq % uint8_t Client Connection Quality indicator Same as field type
Noise Floor noise_floor dB int16_t
Noise Floor (measure of the signal created from the sum of all the noise sources
and unwanted signals within a measurement system, where noise is defined as any signal other than the one being monitored).
Same as field type
Signal signal dB int16_t Measure of the signal of the associated radio. Same as field type
RSSI rssi - uint16_t
Received Signal Strength Indicator, in arbitraty units. The bigger the RSSI, the better
the connection quality.
Same as field type
Reception Data Rate rx_rate Mbps int16_t Reception data rate for the associated radio, -1 if not available. Same as field type
Transmission Data Rate tx_rate Mbps int16_t Transmission data rate for the associated radio, -1 if not available. Same as field type
Transmission Latency tx_latency s int16_t Latency of transmission to the associated radio, -1 if not available. Same as field type
Transmission Power tx_power s int16_t Power of transmission to the associated radio, -1 if not available. Same as field type
Reception Counter rx_count byte uint32_t Amount of bytes already received from the associated radio. Same as field type
Transmission Counter tx_count byte uint32_t Amount of bytes already transmitted to the associated radio. Same as field type
Distance distance m int16_t Distance for the associated radio, -1 if not available. Same as field type

WiFi Network

This message is used to log wifi networks in the surroundings.

  • Abbreviation: WifiNetwork
  • Identification Number: 2012
  • Payload Size: 16+ bytes
  • Message Size: 38+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
ESSID essid - plaintext Extended Service Set Identifier of the network Same as field type
MAC Address mac - plaintext MAC Address of the network. Same as field type
Signal Level signal dB int16_t   Same as field type
Noise Level noise dB int16_t   Same as field type
CCQ ccq % int8_t   Same as field type
Wifi Channel channel - uint8_t   Same as field type
Wifi Frequency freq - fp32_t   Same as field type
Security security - plaintext   Same as field type