Interface | Description |
BackgroundPainter | |
CustomInteractionSupport | |
ILayerPainter | |
IMapRendererChangeEvent |
This is used in the
StateRenderer2D panel to be able report a change. |
MapClickListener | |
Renderer | |
Renderer2DPainter | |
RightMouseClickListener | |
StateRendererInteraction | |
SystemPainterProvider | |
VehicleStateListener |
Class | Description |
CursorLocationPainter | |
EstimatedStateGenerator | |
FeatureFocuser | |
HoveringButton |
Hovering button to be used on a
StateRenderer2D . |
ImageLayer | |
IMapRendererChangeEvent.RendererChangeEvent |
This is the event to be sent to the bus indicating a change in the renderer map.
InteractionAdapter | |
LoiterPainter | |
MapLegend | |
MissionRenderer |
This class creates a component that will allow the user to preview the
execution of a given mission.
OffScreenLayerImageControl |
This is a helper class in order to control an offscreen buffered image to be used in
StateRenderer2D painter. |
PaintersBag |
This class holds a set of Renderer2D painters (layers)
StateRenderer2D |
This class provides a 2D visualization of the world, including maps, vehicle poses and other layers
TransponderSecurityArea | |
WorldRenderPainter |
Annotation Type | Description |
LayerPriority |
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