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TabulatedColorMap - Class in pt.lsts.colormap
TabulatedColorMap(Reader) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.colormap.TabulatedColorMap
Tachograph - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Tachograph (905)
This messages is used to record system activity parameters.
Tachograph() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Tachograph
Tachograph(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Tachograph
Tachograph(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Tachograph
Tachograph(double, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, short, short, float) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Tachograph
Takeoff - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Takeoff Maneuver (491)
Automatic takeoff for UAVs.
This maneuver specifies a target waypoint where to takeoff.
Takeoff direction is set from the direction the plane is pointing when the auto takeoff command is started.
It will remain that way until the vehicle reaches the target z reference.
Takeoff() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Takeoff
Takeoff(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Takeoff
Takeoff(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Takeoff
Takeoff(double, double, float, ZUnits, float, SpeedUnits, float, String) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Takeoff
Target - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Target (800)
Target() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Target
Target(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Target
Target(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Target
Target(String, double, double, float, ZUnits, float, float) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Target
TcpTransport - Class in
TcpTransport() - Constructor for class
Teleoperation - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Teleoperation Maneuver (452)
The Teleoperation Maneuver lets the vehicle be controlled by an
external human operator.
Teleoperation() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Teleoperation
Teleoperation(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Teleoperation
Teleoperation(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Teleoperation
Teleoperation(String) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Teleoperation
TeleoperationDone - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Teleoperation Done (460)
Notification of completion of a Teleoperation maneuver.
TeleoperationDone() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TeleoperationDone
TeleoperationDone(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TeleoperationDone
TeleoperationDone(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TeleoperationDone
Temperature - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Temperature (263)
Report of temperature.
Temperature() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Temperature
Temperature(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Temperature
Temperature(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Temperature
Temperature(float) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Temperature
testCondition(String) - Method in class pt.lsts.imc.scripting.Kraken
testConditions(Collection<String>) - Method in class pt.lsts.imc.scripting.Kraken
TextMessage - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Text Message (160)
A text message has been received.
TextMessage() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TextMessage
TextMessage(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TextMessage
TextMessage(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TextMessage
TextMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TextMessage
Throttle - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Throttle (297)
Throttle e.g.
Throttle() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Throttle
Throttle(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Throttle
Throttle(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Throttle
Throttle(double) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Throttle
timeOf(int) - Method in class pt.lsts.imc.lsf.LsfIndex
Retrieve the time, in seconds since January 1st 1970 UTC of the given message
toByteArray() - Method in class pt.lsts.imc.IMCMessage
Serialize this message to byte array using current IMC definitions
toByteArray(IMCDefinition) - Method in class pt.lsts.imc.IMCMessage
Serialize this message to byte array using provided IMC definitions
toLatLonDepth(EstimatedState) - Static method in class pt.lsts.util.WGS84Utilities
toString() - Method in interface pt.lsts.colormap.ColorMap
toString() - Method in class pt.lsts.colormap.DataDiscretizer.DataPoint
toString() - Method in class pt.lsts.colormap.InterpolationColorMap
toString() - Method in enum pt.lsts.imc.IMCFieldType
toString() - Method in class pt.lsts.imc.IMCMessage
Returns a String representation of this message (used for debugging)
toString() - Method in class pt.lsts.imc.IMCMessageType
TrajectoryPoint - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Trajectory Point (464)
Waypoint coordinate of a Follow Trajectory maneuver.
TrajectoryPoint() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrajectoryPoint
TrajectoryPoint(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrajectoryPoint
TrajectoryPoint(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrajectoryPoint
TrajectoryPoint(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrajectoryPoint
TransmissionRequest - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Transmission Request (515)
Request data to be sent over a specified communication mean.
TransmissionRequest() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TransmissionRequest
TransmissionRequest(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TransmissionRequest
TransmissionRequest(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TransmissionRequest
TransmissionRequest(int, TransmissionRequest.COMM_MEAN, String, double, TransmissionRequest.DATA_MODE, IMCMessage, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TransmissionRequest
TransmissionRequest.COMM_MEAN - Enum in pt.lsts.imc
TransmissionRequest.DATA_MODE - Enum in pt.lsts.imc
TransmissionStatus - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Transmission Status (516)
Reply sent in response to a communications request.
TransmissionStatus() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TransmissionStatus
TransmissionStatus(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TransmissionStatus
TransmissionStatus(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TransmissionStatus
TransmissionStatus(int, TransmissionStatus.STATUS, String) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TransmissionStatus
TransmissionStatus.STATUS - Enum in pt.lsts.imc
TransportBindings - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Transport Bindings (8)
Message generated when tasks bind to messages.
TransportBindings() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TransportBindings
TransportBindings(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TransportBindings
TransportBindings(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TransportBindings
TransportBindings(String, int) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TransportBindings
TrexAttribute - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message TREX Attribute (656)
TrexAttribute() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexAttribute
TrexAttribute(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexAttribute
TrexAttribute(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexAttribute
TrexAttribute(String, TrexAttribute.ATTR_TYPE, String, String) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexAttribute
TrexAttribute.ATTR_TYPE - Enum in pt.lsts.imc
TrexCommand - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message TREX Command (652)
This message is used to control TREX execution
TrexCommand() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexCommand
TrexCommand(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexCommand
TrexCommand(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexCommand
TrexCommand(TrexCommand.COMMAND, String, String) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexCommand
TrexCommand.COMMAND - Enum in pt.lsts.imc
TrexObservation - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message TREX Observation (651)
This message is sent to TREX to post timeline observations
TrexObservation() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexObservation
TrexObservation(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexObservation
TrexObservation(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexObservation
TrexObservation(String, String, String) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexObservation
TrexOperation - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message TREX Operation (655)
This message is used to control TREX execution
TrexOperation() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexOperation
TrexOperation(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexOperation
TrexOperation(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexOperation
TrexOperation(TrexOperation.OP, String, TrexToken) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexOperation
TrexOperation.OP - Enum in pt.lsts.imc
TrexPlan - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message TREX Plan (658)
TrexPlan() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexPlan
TrexPlan(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexPlan
TrexPlan(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexPlan
TrexPlan(String, Collection<TrexToken>) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexPlan
TrexToken - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message TREX Token (657)
TrexToken() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexToken
TrexToken(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexToken
TrexToken(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexToken
TrexToken(String, String, Collection<TrexAttribute>) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrexToken
TrueSpeed - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message True Speed (353)
Ground true speed.
TrueSpeed() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrueSpeed
TrueSpeed(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrueSpeed
TrueSpeed(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrueSpeed
TrueSpeed(double) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.TrueSpeed
Turbidity - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Turbidity (288)
Turbidity measurement.
Turbidity() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Turbidity
Turbidity(IMCMessage) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Turbidity
Turbidity(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Turbidity
Turbidity(float) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Turbidity
TYPE_GV - Static variable in class pt.lsts.imc.DvlRejection
TYPE_WV - Static variable in class pt.lsts.imc.DvlRejection
typeOf(int) - Method in class pt.lsts.imc.lsf.LsfIndex
Retrieve the type of message at given index
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