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Base64 - Class in pt.lsts.imc
Utility to base64 encode and decode a string.
BeamConfig - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Beam Configuration (283)
Beam configuration of the device.
BeamConfig() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.BeamConfig
BeamConfig(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.BeamConfig
BeamConfig(float, float) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.BeamConfig
BigByteBuffer - Class in pt.lsts.imc.lsf
BigByteBuffer(FileChannel, long) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.lsf.BigByteBuffer
bind(int) - Method in class
Brake - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Brake (413)
Brake the vehicle in some way, i.
Brake() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Brake
Brake(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Brake
Brake(Brake.OP) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.Brake
Brake.OP - Enum in pt.lsts.imc
buildMenu() - Method in class pt.lsts.imc.sniffer.IMCMessageSniffer
ButtonEvent - Class in pt.lsts.imc
IMC Message Button Event (306)
Event of a specific hardware button.
ButtonEvent() - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.ButtonEvent
ButtonEvent(IMCDefinition) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.ButtonEvent
ButtonEvent(short, short) - Constructor for class pt.lsts.imc.ButtonEvent
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